

Athesia Energy Srl
Vai dei Portici 41, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
Phone: 0471 08 10 75
Mail: Energy@athesia.it
Website: www.athesia-energy.eu
PEC: athesiaenergy.gmbh@pec.it
Partita Iva. 02687080214

Concept, design & realization
tincx GmbH
Via Buozzi 6, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
Phone: +39 0471 06 62 62
Mail: info@tincx.com
Sito web: www.tincx.com

Copyright (c): Athesia Energy Srl or details in the photo

Athesia Energy Srl makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this website. However, Athesia Energy Srl assumes no responsibility or warranty for the topicality, accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Furthermore, Athesia Energy Srl is not responsible for the content of external websites hyperlinked. Athesia Energy Srl reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided without prior notice.

Il layout del sito web, la grafica utilizzata e il contenuto del sito web di Athesia Energy Srl sono protetti da Copyright. La riproduzione di informazioni, in particolare l’utilizzo di testi, parti di testi o immagini, richiede la previa autorizzazione scritta della Athesia Energy Srl.

Public Contributions
With reference to the disclosure obligation according to Law 124/2017, Art. 1, paragraph 125, the following contributions were received in the business years listed below.

YearPaying EntityDate of PaymentReasonReceived Amounts
2020Gestore servizi energetici S.p.ain the fiscal year 2020Support per 2nd and 4th „conto energia“Euro 2.849.971,92*
2021Gestore servizi energetici S.p.ain the fiscal year 2021Support per 2nd and 4th „conto energia“Euro 2.554.059,61*
2022Gestore servizi energetici S.p.a.in the fiscal year 2022Support per 2nd and 4th „conto energia“Euro 2.497.756*
2023Gestore servizi energetici S.p.ain the fiscal year 2023Support per 2nd and 4th „conto energia“Euro 2.444.156*

* the amounts are in euros and gross (including the 4% withholding tax deduction)